It’s only January 12th and already attendance at the gym has begun to thin out again. It usually takes until February, but there are already fewer folks there. Truth be told, I’m not unhappy about that, but how are you doing on your resolutions?
If you’re not sure, that’s part of the problem.
Did you write them down? Writing down your resolutions with a note about why change is important commits you and will increase your likelihood of success.
Are your resolutions quantifiable? Simply saying you want to lose weight isn’t the same as committing to a number – either losing a pound per week or hitting a particular goal weight.
Are your resolutions measurable? If you are striving to save more money, pick a reasonable goal – say $5,000 this year – and then ensure that you are making weekly/monthly progress.
Most importantly, do you remember why you made your resolutions? You aren’t seeking better health or more money or a better work/life balance for the hell of it. There’s a reason you want those things. That reason has to remain front and center and drive your actions.
Your resolutions need to be built into your everyday life in order to stick. If you are trying to save money, then make a note each day about expenses you avoided, things you didn’t buy or steps you took to bring in additional income. If you are trying to lose weight, then count your calories or track your exercise. If you want to get a new job, start by polishing your resume, networking with three people who could be helpful or scanning the help wanted ads. Daily progress and daily reminders create new habits and foster success.
If you’re off track, it’s only January 12th and with 353 days left in 2017, there’s still plenty of time to achieve your dreams.